If you’re looking for sales tips … you won’t find any here. In fact, if you’re reading this, I guarantee you are far better at sales than me.
What we do know here at Anyvoo, is how to look your best on video calls. It’s basically all we do.
So today, we’ll stick to what we know–showing you how to present professionally in virtual sales meetings. You’ll get all the tips you need to look and sound great, and to provide a good experience for the person on the other end of the Zoom room.
Want to look great on virtual sales calls?
Design your own Voodrop here.
How To Look & Sound Great On Virtual Sales Meetings
First, let’s talk about some tips and practices to put in place for a virtual sales meeting (especially if you’re working from home).
- Get the best internet package possible.
Imagine you’re a prospect who has just joined a video meeting with a salesperson. If their voice is choppy and their face is pixelated, would you feel like they are providing you with a good experience?
Avoid that scenario at all costs by getting the best internet package you can. According to NerdWallet, for high-definition video streaming you’ll need 5-8 megabits per second (Mbps) of download speed and at least one Mbps of upload speed. To check your upload and download speeds, simply Google “speed test.”
- Brand the booking experience.
The experience you provide to a prospect starts with your exchanges online to simply book a meeting. If a prospect is talking to you and a competitor, this is a small but important opportunity to stand out.
- Offer a way to book a time on your calendar with something like Calendly, ScheduleOnce, or HubSpot and make sure the URL is customized to your company and your name.
- Provide a customized URL for your video meetings, like yourcompany.com/your-name, rather than a jumbled mess like the typical Zoom URL, zoom.us/j/13340544. You can do this by setting up a redirect on your company’s website.
By the way, if you manage remote sales teams, take a look at how to improve the entire virtual sales experience your whole team provides in this article.
- Position yourself correctly on screen.
Don’t be that person who is looking at a different monitor off to the side, showing just your profile to your virtual guest.
Or the person who has the webcam below his or her chin.
Or the person with the distracting virtual background.
These are all distractions that take away from the actual conversation you have with a prospect. Here are some basic tips on positioning yourself on video (with more details included in this article):
- Face the webcam directly. (In other words, don’t look at a second monitor.)
- Position the webcam at or slightly above your eyes.
- Stand about two or three feet away from your camera (enough to give room all around you but not too far away to be a distraction).
On that last point, here I am measuring the distance from my webcam in front of an Anyvoo backdrop. This is from three feet away.
- Choose your background wisely.
Much like your positioning on camera, your video background can also be a distraction. Unorganized bookshelves, kitchen cabinets, or an unmade guest bed are certainly negatives.
On the flip side, with a little work your backdrop could even make you proud. Here are some good options to make sure your background looks nice.
- Choose a clean background that is free of things like clothes and distractions like messy bookshelves.
- Or, design your own Anyvoo webcam backdrop to provide a consistent, branded experience on video.
When setting up your background or backdrop, try to view it from the other person’s perspective before your next sales call.
- Minimize the opportunity for screen-sharing mistakes.
If you choose to share your screen on video sales meetings (maybe for a demo, for example), make absolutely sure you don’t mistakenly share the wrong content by accident. Here’s how:
- Close out all your communication apps—Slack, text messages, and email notifications—before the meeting.
- Always share a window rather than your full screen.
- Close all the tabs in that window other than the few you need for the sales meeting.
Tools To Help You Look & Sound Great
Now that you have your video meeting processes in place, it’s time to discuss some great tools to help support the experience you provide.
- Zoom for video meetings: At this point, this is an obvious one for video calls.
- Calendly, ScheduleOnce, or HubSpot for scheduling: These will help you improve your process for booking sales meetings.
- Krisp for background noise: This software application allows you to mute background noise on both ends of the video call (for both you and your video meeting guest).
- Roost to lift your laptop: This is a lightweight, strong, and collapsible laptop stand to lift your webcam up to eye level for video calls.
- Lume Cube for lighting: This small, portable lighting solution was designed specifically to improve lighting for your video calls.
- Anyvoo for a webcam backdrop: Well, we’re biased. But we built this product for salespeople, consultants, and speakers to provide a differentiated experience on video calls.
Level Up Your Next Video Sales Call
Keep in mind that you’re going for a professional, attractive environment on video calls—not a Hollywood-style video studio that would take away from your actual discussion with the prospect. I’d recommend starting with adopting just one best practice and buying just one of the products listed above. Any of these tools or practices will noticeably improve your next sales meeting and give you some positive momentum in the right direction. Follow it up slowly with more adjustments, and soon you’ll look and sound better than any other salesperson you compete against.
If you’d like to learn more about Anyvoo webcam backdrops you can start building your own here.
HubSpot’s Custom Virtual Conference Background
Coachnet’s Custom Designed TV Studio Home Backdrop
Basik’s Textured Wall Zoom Background
Verge’s Logo On Brick Background
Rentbridge’s Metal Logo Wood Wall Backdrop
Erin’s Stock Photo Bookshelves Video Backdrop
Bokeh Blur Printed Banner Webcam Background
Sweetwood Creative’s Full Color Corporate Branded Backdrops
National Park’s Step Repeat Logo Backdrop
Customize Your Voodrop
Webcam Backdrop Kit | Painted White Brick
Webcam Backdrop Kit | Old School Wood Plank